Inky [adjective]
Definition of Inky:
Opposite/Antonyms of Inky:
Sentence/Example of Inky:
The gloom of approaching night was deepened by the inky clouds that obscured the sky.
Upon the summit of the great keep a huge bonfire had sprung up, and the tall flames leaped toward the inky heavens.
As for the plodding, inky sycophants who fawned upon Mr. Cray's informativeness, Michael regarded them with horror and contempt.
Even as he looked at it, the torch went out, shutting him into inky blackness.
He tied an inky tablecloth to her shoulders to serve as a sweeping garment.
One long peal of thunder shook the inky waters, and rumbled reverberatingly into the hills.
The inky little girl, so earnestly explaining why she was inky, was a funny sight, indeed.
That inky wall did not seem so impenetrable and black after he had gotten out of the circle of light.
The night had become inky-black; the town was in a valley and the shadow of trees and houses made the darkness even more Stygian.
To say that the night was very dark would not give an idea of the inky obscurity in which we appeared to be sailing.