Inmate [noun]

Definition of Inmate:


Synonyms of Inmate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inmate:


Sentence/Example of Inmate:

Washington, Oregon, and California also rely on inmates to bolster their firefighting efforts.

A Bureau of Prisons spokesman told VOSD that the downtown prison has been performing targeted coronavirus testing and has tried to limit inmate moves between facilities.

As of Thursday, there were 129 active coronavirus cases among inmates and 140 people had recovered.

Werner told Morris she believed the Sheriff’s Department wasn’t doing enough to protect staff and inmates from the coronavirus.

During previous wildfires, California has used state prison inmates who volunteer for reduced sentences and a small amounts of money.

His stories of decades of work defending young death-row inmates were both harrowing and inspiring.

I grieve that one of the most promising of them is now an inmate in my cabin, in a very delicate state of health.

He could not bear the thought of her unhappiness, and yet, at any sacrifice, Tatsu must be kept an inmate of their home.

The officers make the alternative quickly apparent to the new inmate: to protest against injustice is unavailing and dangerous.

These last gave the name and country of many an unhappy inmate, with the date of the fatal day of their captivity.