Inserted [adjective]
Definition of Inserted:
Opposite/Antonyms of Inserted:
Sentence/Example of Inserted:
Dan inserted the primer, pulled the lanyard and sent the contents of the gun into the ranks of the enemy.
The second pair show that the transverse processes, from the first to the third, are those into which the muscle is inserted.
He stood up, crowbar in hand, and inserted the chisel blade of the implement between the edge of the door and the doorcase.
It consists of having a brass tube T inserted in the block moulds before the block is cast.
First, the introduction of pistons, inserted between the key-slips, which replaced the clumsy composition pedals then in vogue.
The builders state that the mixtures have been inserted at the request of many noted organists.
Further, as the rime is a double one, the word have must be inserted, to fill up the line.
It was taken from the arm of a boy just before the commencement of the eruptive fever, and instantly inserted.
Several slight punctures and incisions were made on both his arms, and the matter was carefully inserted, but no disease followed.
A piece of strong iron wire, which lay among the other litter, was inserted in a narrow slot, apparently a crack in the stone.