Intentionally [adverb]
Definition of Intentionally:
Sentence/Example of Intentionally:
The low numbers were partially intentional, with the museums capping attendance and operating on a reduced schedule.
Kumar said we should be intentional about how we interact with others, and we shouldn’t let fears of awkwardness dictate how we communicate.
The agency has the power to fine businesses $2,500 for each violation of the CPRA or $7,500 for what it deems are “intentional violations” or those that involve minors.
Second, those who were left out by intentional policy choices — namely, the spouses and children of undocumented immigrants and approximately 2 million inmates of prisons and jails.
The Governing Board and I celebrate the growth and change we have made as a college and remain committed to this intentional work.
The new features, ad formats and audiences for retail announced Wednesday underscore Facebook’s intentional focus on making Instagram and Facebook mobile shopping drivers.
The disparities in access, opportunity, and evaluation of performance are the result of intentional decisions that have accumulated advantage and disadvantage along the lines of race.
The producers were intentional about continuing the project’s community investments by using the hiring process to create opportunities for those who might have been overlooked by the industry.
Thus, creating work routines, proactively checking in with coworkers, and being more intentional about self-care—all strategies that Bawa employs when working from home on a day-to-day basis—will remain necessities for the foreseeable future.
Prospect told the SEC the company’s investigation had found no “intentional wrongdoing.”