Interstices [noun]

Definition of Interstices:

opening, crack

Synonyms of Interstices:

Opposite/Antonyms of Interstices:

Sentence/Example of Interstices:

There was only one crack, and that a very little one; nevertheless he worked his claws into the interstice and dug.

She threw on a heavy bathrobe and kept it on when she crept into the icy interstice between the all-too-snowy sheets.

I turn now to the literary work which filled every available interstice of time.

Wherever the eye found interstice between the fronds of spruce and hemlock the stars spangled the frosty blue.

He made a movement to close the door, but Marcos put his thickly booted foot in the interstice.

Silence broods in the arena, and in every interstice the maidenhair fern grows rife among the decaying stones.

There seemed to be no interstice, no crevice into which he might insert the keen probe of his marvelous deductive power.

The lights were all off; a pencil of moonlight here and there from an interstice in the curtains alone touched her as she passed.

An interstice left open between the two flaps permitted a fall view of the interior.

And I consigned it to the most sacred interstice of my pocket-book.