Irreconcilable [adjective]

Definition of Irreconcilable:

hostile, conflicting

Synonyms of Irreconcilable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Irreconcilable:

Sentence/Example of Irreconcilable:

It seemed as if my right ankle were about to crack, like Pangaea, into irreconcilable bits.

Students learn that different people had irreconcilable dreams, clashing understandings of what made their country “great.”

Far from us be all spirit of persecution which would only serve to render them irreconcilable.

Every religion is but a system imagined for the purpose of reconciling irreconcilable ideas.

Some of these excellences are indeed irreconcilable and exclude each other; most of them can only be combined by a compromise.

You remember how in his letters to Fontana he abuses Camille Pleyel in a manner irreconcilable with genuine love and esteem.

The sentiments which your father has expressed towards me, are of a nature irreconcilable with hostile purposes.

Heaven has not thus placed at irreconcilable strife its moral laws with its physical creation.

By driving the founders of the Plymouth Colony into exile, it constrained them to absolute separation irreconcilable.

For here, in fact, we come to the irreconcilable difference.