Jackpots [noun]
Definition of Jackpots:
Opposite/Antonyms of Jackpots:
Sentence/Example of Jackpots:
The wining numbers were drawn Wednesday, and the jackpot is the biggest prize for the Maryland lottery, officials said.
When that happens, the arachnids are commonly seen as winning the vertebrate jackpot.
Did the preacher gent die, er did Brother Peyton jump the game, taking the jackpot with him?
"Let him keep the doggone calf and we'll have to put up a jackpot for the feller that owns it," advised Bronco.
It was jackpot; the chips were piled high; and the man in the linen coat was dealing again.
Jimmie Greeley was raking in a jackpot, grinning fiendishly at the dour Jim Hutch when they heard heavy, running feet outside.
"Instead of bein' a jackpot bunch of triflin' no-account scalawags," murmured Jack.
He'd hit the jackpot—a million-year-old nest of the echindul, with sixteen pairs of stones.
Then Galbini hit the jackpot with his Taleggio that fills the need for the sharpest, most sophisticated pungence of them all.
"Happy as the dealer in a big jackpot," said the sheriff, much pleased.