Jennet [noun]
Definition of Jennet:
small domestic horselike mammal
Synonyms of Jennet:
Opposite/Antonyms of Jennet:
Sentence/Example of Jennet:
Of both portions Jennet and Ellen partook, and would have had Grace join them in the ghoul-like repast, but she refused.
One matchless Spanish jennet I despatched to my promised bride; its caparisons flamed with jewels and cloth of gold.
I think he hath better reason to speak well of his own horse than the king's roan jennet.
"Forbear," cried Robin, waving his dagger so soon as the man made attempt to take his mother's jennet by the bridle.
However, knowing that presently they must espy his jennet tethered by the road, Robin became desperate.
The jennet was untethered and Robin upon its back in a flash; then the lad heard the whizz of an arrow past him.
M. Jennet quotes the elaborate calculation of an ingenious author to show that 100 francs ($20) accumulating at five per cent.
One of her granddaughters, Jennet Device, was aged nine at the time of the trial.
A jennet with a 4-pounder at its heels would be a more correct representation of the strength of the Carlist ordnance.
The girl was sent out of the room, the witches were mixed up, and Jennet was required on coming in again to pick out Alice Nutter.