Jongleur [noun]

Definition of Jongleur:


Synonyms of Jongleur:

Opposite/Antonyms of Jongleur:


Sentence/Example of Jongleur:

There has come a travelling jongleur from Auvergne, who tells a wonderful tale of your deed at Valmont.

So the angels gave the lad white wings like their own, and a great viol like a jongleur's.

But how is this to be done, and which of my little court dare attempt this tour de jongleur with any chance of success?

In French he was called jongleur or jugleur, menestrel or menestrier.

Sancho, forward, in a high sweet voice like a jongleur's voice, was singing to the men an endless ballad.

The musician ceased to be a wandering "jongleur" and became a highly valued member of the community.

She had practically offered that fallacious jongleur money, and it did not make it easier to offer him lunch.

The king is unable to draw from the jongleur any answer to any purpose: What is his name?

The word jougleur, sometimes by mistake written jongleur, is derived from the latin joculator.

But the tale of Tortulf and Ingelger is a mere creation of some twelfth century jongleur.