Joyed [verb]

Definition of Joyed:

be very happy about something

Synonyms of Joyed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Joyed:

Be sad

Sentence/Example of Joyed:

This extended network helped another mother find joy during the pandemic.

By making this choice for my daughter, she is finding joy in learning.

Screams of joy erupt when she sees something new that describes the physics of unimaginably vast explosions.

As he worked, he kept in mind Elin’s brother, a retired chemistry teacher he’d never met, hoping the box would engage him and bring him joy.

Carson Swazey does not read, write or speak, but he just sparked a spontaneous letter-writing campaign that’s all about joy and giving — and it’s gone international.

Revenue has been way down at Hill Country, which brings no one joy, especially founder Marc Glosserman.

He spent Monday visiting five different school campuses, and the sight of children sitting at desks — even desks spaced unnaturally far apart — filled him with a sense of joy he hasn’t felt in a long while.

You’d have patients you preferred watching to others each season, even if you watched every episode, but the joy of the series was seeing every patient have some kind of necessary breakthrough that season.

We’re going to continue to keep the eye out and bring joy until every vote is counted.

I find one of the joys of barbecuing and smoking to be the management of fire, which takes time, but as a father of toddler, I don’t have as much of that as I’d like.