Juridical [adjective]

Definition of Juridical:


Synonyms of Juridical:

Opposite/Antonyms of Juridical:


Sentence/Example of Juridical:

Johnson calls it a "juridical word:" and I certainly have no recollection of having met with it, except in judicial proceedings.

His works are voluminous, and upon various subjects, but chiefly historical and juridical.

It will be necessary to state, shortly, the difference between a legislative and a juridical act.

In this respect the work interests a much wider public than is ordinarily addressed by a juridical treatise.

The terms "bankruptcy" and "failure" refer to the application of legislation providing for such juridical conditions.

We are struck next by the universality of his juridical attainments.

The peace, juridical or religious, of a world which acknowledged the sway of Rome.

At the bar he distinguished himself, especially in juridical literature.

They argue that codification would never be possible on account of differences of languages and of technical juridical terms.

Servus (from ) means a slave, in a political and juridical sense, as in a state of subjugation, in opp.