kaput [adjective]

Definition of kaput:

  • Ruined, destroyed, or broken beyond repair.
  • Completely finished, ended, or defeated.
  • Unable to function or operate.

Synonyms of kaput:

Opposite/Antonyms of kaput:

Sentence/Example of kaput:

The video went kaput early on and its rewind button hadn't worked to begin with.

My car is kaput; it won't start.

The old TV is kaput; we need a new one.

After the storm, the garden was kaput.

His plans for the weekend are kaput due to the rain.

The battery is kaput; my phone is dead.

The light bulb is kaput; it's burnt out.

The old computer is kaput; it's time for an upgrade.

Our vacation plans are kaput because of the flight cancellation.

The relationship is kaput; they broke up.

The team's chances of winning are kaput after losing the first game.

The economy is kaput after the recession.

The party is kaput; everyone went home.

My motivation is kaput; I can't focus.

The project is kaput; we need to start over.

The old car is kaput; it's a junker.

The hard drive is kaput; I lost all my data.

The light switch is kaput; the room is dark.

The old washing machine is kaput; it's leaking.

The battery is kaput; the remote doesn't work.

The old radio is kaput; it's full of static.