Keel [verb]
Definition of Keel:
Synonyms of Keel:
● Plunge
● Topple
● Collapse
● Founder
● Tumble
● Upset
● Drop
● Slump
● Swoon
● Pitch
● Capsize
● Faint
● Overturn
● Go down
● Pass out
Sentence/Example of Keel:
But, as the keel of the boats touched bottom, each boat-load dashed into the water and then into the enemy's fire.
Robert was out there under the shed, reclining in the shade against the sloping keel of the overturned boat.
To maintain the vessel on an even keel he introduced four vanes, called “hydroplanes,” for regulating the depth of descent.
The tip often forms an abrupt angle with the shaft and there is a keel on the dorsal surface of the tip (see figs. 5, 6).
Microscopic examination reveals that there is a faint keel on the dorsal surface of the tip.
In having a keel on the ventral surface of the tip, the baculum of Tamias is comparable to that of Spermophilus.
Keel outside garboard strake, inclusive of thickness of keelband, (p. 151) if any, shall not exceed in depth 1½ in.
The effect of the alteration has been to lengthen the keel, and perhaps to round up the forefoot a little.
Since then a succeeding owner has reverted to a sort of heavy fin-keel, but the boat has not done so well in racing as formerly.
He afterwards removed the keel and returned to the centreboard, with which he thought the boat was faster and handier.