Khakis [noun]

Definition of Khakis:

light brown

Synonyms of Khakis:

Opposite/Antonyms of Khakis:


Sentence/Example of Khakis:

He was still wearing the blue blazer and khakis he wore on the days that he was consulting in Silicon Valley.

There are khakis and handsuppers living all round his house, to some of whom he is well known by sight.

Each wore a bandolier for cartridges, and their ordinary clothes—flannel shirt and khakis.

Two others, while more appropriately dressed in khakis and high boots, were as evidently foreign to the hills.

If I recall, he was vague on one—he thought it was khakis, but the other man he wasn't sure.

Well, they more or less wore slacks, you know, pants or khakis.

Indeed, very shortly after I saw the Khakis storming and occupying the kopjes.

At any moment that infernal barrage might start, and then the khakis would be swarming on top of us.

A pair of khakis three days along on the trail look as though they had been out a year.

Their khakis had been fresh washed; so they looked neat and trim.