Khans [noun]

Definition of Khans:

historically, person who ruled an area

Synonyms of Khans:

Opposite/Antonyms of Khans:

Sentence/Example of Khans:

“Akhab Khan prevented those Shia dogs from shooting you and Mayne-sahib,” went on the low murmur.

“Ali Khan” was about to guide the ekka along the rough gangway when Mohammed Rasul interfered.

As for Akhab Khan and other leaders of rebel brigades, it was impossible to distinguish them among so many.

Probably the death of Akhab Khan had unnerved her, and she dared not trust to the mercy of the victors.

I took a stick and a small shield made of basket-work from Peer Khan, who had brought them, and advanced to the centre.

Peer Khan uttered the fatal words, and Ghuffoor Khan wrestled out his last agony under my never-failing gripe.

"I will," cried Peer Khan; but no one else stirred; they were all paralysed by fear, and were incapable of action.

That black-hearted villain, Hidayut Khan, wanted more than his share of plunder on many occasions, and was refused it.

Peer Khan and Motee were, however, not idle, and brought a goodly heap of jewels and coin to swell the general stock.

That which took the eastern road was the one with which Cheetoo remained, and with it were Ghuffoor Khan and myself.