Kick [noun]

Definition of Kick:

thrill, enjoyment

Synonyms of Kick:

Opposite/Antonyms of Kick:

Sentence/Example of Kick:

This video covers route finding, uphill-skinning tips, and kick turns.

Nike says the new kicks are geared towards everyday wear, from going to the grocery store or on a casual walk with friends.

On average, according to a mathematical analysis, the fast start lasted 827 meters, and the finishing kick started with 410 meters left.

I don’t know who gets the bigger kick out of it, the players or the Presidents.

An oddity of Saban’s run at Alabama is that the Tide led the FBS in missed kicks from 2007 to 2019.

Succop went 28 for 31 on field goal tries and 52 for 57 on extra-point kicks.

Rossi’s BC line of fully metal-edged, waxless classic cross-country skis has been a favorite of those seeking a little ungroomed kick and glide for years.

Nuclear power training is an academic kick in the face every day for over a year.

Coach Brian Flores opted for the kick instead of a fourth-and-two try from the Vegas 19-yard line.

She is on a serious cat kick right now, so I plan to play with my feline-human hybrid as she crawls around our house this winter.