Kris [noun]
Definition of Kris:
Synonyms of Kris:
● Blade
● Dagger
● Saber
● Brand
● Foil
● Cutlass
● Rapier
● Hanger
● Sabre
● Epee
● Creese
● Claymore
● Falchion
● Scimitar
● Toledo
● Dirk
● Cutlas
● Bilbo
● Curtana
● Estoc
● Glaive
● Scimiter
● Spadroon
Opposite/Antonyms of Kris:
Sentence/Example of Kris:
The white kris-bearer from the war-house on the hill came and said: 'I must have ten for my firestick-bearers.'
Want the whole damned town swarming over us, with torch and kris?
My little kris dagger seemed scarcely to make an impression on the stout Manila rope.
Waving the kris above his head, and laughing madly, the chief looked round for the next victim, and his eyes fell upon Frobisher.
With a deep breath of relief he saw Briggs lay the kris on the cabin table.
Aloud he said: Ill play no game, sir, with that kris in sight.
He peered up at the mantelpiece; but, look as he would, failed to discover the kris.
Up he leaped, as feet clattered down the ladder, and snatched the kris.
Briggs recognized the turtle-egg seller, who had thrown the kris.
The doctor raised a lean hand to touch the kris, then drew back.