Labia [noun]

Definition of Labia:

edge, brink

Synonyms of Labia:

Opposite/Antonyms of Labia:

Sentence/Example of Labia:

Labium obcordatum basi corneum angustius apice membranaceum medio emarginatum ciliatum lobo utrinque rotundato.

In many Hymenoptera it emerges from the Labium, and is fitted to collect liquids and pass them downwards.

In a considerable proportion of insects it seems connate with the Labium, and forming its inner surface?

The jointed sheath of the Promuscis, representing the Labium in a perfect mouth.

The labium (fig. 12) is furnished with two palpi, which are 3-jointed.

The cyst forms a characteristic tense ovoid or pyriform swelling in the posterior third of the labium majus.

The apparatus by which they capture their prey consists of a peculiar modification of the labium.

Submentum: the basal sclerite of the labium, by means of which it is attached to the head.

The labium in Japyx is four-lobed and bears a small two-jointed palpus.

The labium, which is the largest and most conspicuous, is apparently cylindrical but is grooved above throughout its length.