Laces [noun]

Definition of Laces:

netted material

Synonyms of Laces:

Opposite/Antonyms of Laces:


Sentence/Example of Laces:

You remember that doll’s dress as green instead of blue, because when you were that age your mother had a green dress with the same kind of lace collar as the doll’s.

So in response, we meticulously designed the Clove sneaker with fluid-repellent laces and uppers made from liquid-repellent and stain-resistant Clarino fabric, which can be cleaned easily with the same antibacterial wipes used in the hospital.

They also have a sneaker that has no laces which I love when I really just need to slip something on.

The speed laces cinch tight for a secure fit and don’t flap around when I’m swimming, which is a problem with some similar models.

Parents have declared unequivocally that they want more than higher test scores and yet all funds to public schools are tied to test scores like laces on shoes.

On his head was the second-hand hat of some parvenu's coachman, gold lace, cockade and all.

C was a Captain, all covered with lace; D was a drunkard, and had a red face.

Ramona had covered the box with white cloth, and the lace altar-cloth thrown over it fell in folds to the floor.

She rose impatiently and bathed her eyes before ringing for the maid to lace her for dinner—it was long past tea-time.

She still wore the shabby lace and the artificial bunch of violets on the side of her head.