Lavas [noun]

Definition of Lavas:

volcano matter

Synonyms of Lavas:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lavas:


Sentence/Example of Lavas:

At El Malpais, explore one of many lava tubes, like the easy-to-access Junction Cave.

Heavy rains can trigger Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano to spout streams of lava.

He says that points to building pressure deep under the volcano’s summit before lava erupted out of cracks in the ground.

Farquharson and Amelung made their case for rain-triggered lava at Kilauea April 22 in Nature.

In fact, the lava basement of the Von Kármán crater may be too deep for Yutu-2 to sense at all, his team suspects.

Torrents of lava poured over the sides of the volcano and destroyed whole villages on the shores of the lake.

He trudged across burning lava on which his feet left their imprint; he had the appearance of a desperately dogged traveller.

Here there are many craters and much basalt, or even lava; also hot springs.

South of this arid region, strewn with great lava stones, are the Rendile uplands, affording pasturage for thousands of camels.

From these fissures immense and repeated flows of lava spread over the Kapte and Laikipia plateaus.