Leeches [noun]
Definition of Leeches:
Opposite/Antonyms of Leeches:
Sentence/Example of Leeches:
Treatment involved a “toxic arsenal of emetics, laxatives, diuretics, and expectorants” as well as “lances, leeches, and blisters.”
Verily, there is not a leech that sucks out the blood from the body more than these little ships do this camp of men.
Leech, the caricaturist,—one of the most absurdly over-rated men of this century,—was at Charterhouse from 1825 to 1831.
The old lady overhead has a shrewd tongue, but she is a marvellous good leech.
It seemed as if the whole awful creature were simply gorged with blood; he lay like a filthy leech, exhausted with his repletion.
The viper says to the leech, ‘Why do people invite your bite, and flee from mine?’
Haydon was an awkward leech; but considering their friendship, this was a little too bad of Wilkie.
But the following from an Anglo-Saxon Leech-book seems to speak of it as used exactly in the modern fashion.
Raise main tack and sheet; man the main clew-garnets, buntlines, and leech-lines; clew up cheerily, lads!
Doyle and Leech lost, doubtless, much of their freedom by drawing with hard pencils upon box for the wood-engraver.