Legacy [noun]

Definition of Legacy:

inheritance, heritage

Synonyms of Legacy:

Opposite/Antonyms of Legacy:


Sentence/Example of Legacy:

All three actions directly threaten the legacy of Carl Stokes and that river fire back in 1969.

Martinez told me the monitoring commitment is a huge victory for the workers, many of whom have since left Voyant but now “leave behind a legacy for their co-workers who remain.”

Initially seen as a mere caretaker for the iconic franchise that Jobs built before his 2011 death, Cook has forged his own distinctive legacy.

Part of that is because young shoppers do not care about legacy or the amount of time that brands have been around.

Let’s hope we can renew those lost American conventions through this coming electoral season, honoring our legacy and ensuring our nation’s future as a unified people.

The stories of hundreds of powerful BIPOC voting rights and equity advocates have been scrubbed from history, a legacy of inclusive leadership that would have served us well over the 20th century.

The legacy TV business has been in a downhill slide, while the streaming business is ascendant.

Overtime president Zack Weiner considers the digital sports video media company to be a challenger brand to the legacy sports publishers like ESPN.

While TV networks clung to their legacy linear businesses, the CTV platforms built the foundation of the streaming ecosystem.

The department has stated that she will be deeply missed, as she leaves behind a legacy of selflessness.