Legalistic [adjective]
Definition of Legalistic:
Opposite/Antonyms of Legalistic:
Sentence/Example of Legalistic:
Then if he has time left, he may devote it to legalistic discussions, and there would be no harm.
And it accords with the position which the legalistic opposition had now taken up.
They protect from exaggeration and abuse the liberty already defended from legalistic encroachments.
Legalistic controversy over missionary methods had previously absorbed so much energy that little was left for missionary work.
Still he had risen to great heights of oratory and legalistic reason.
At any rate, the danger of a legalistic propaganda either in Philippi or in Rome does not seem to be very seriously in view.
No amount of legalistic argument can becloud this issue in the eyes of these ten million American citizens.
The limitations of the Secretary of State are the limitations of a legalistic mind.
They are apt to be conventional, legalistic, and maintainers of the status quo.
Some such eschatology of divine judgment and reward is an almost necessary complement to the legalistic type of religion.