Leisure [noun]
Definition of Leisure:
free time and its activities
Synonyms of Leisure:
● Pause
● Freedom
● Ease
● Vacation
● Liberty
● Quiet
● Chance
● Recess
● Repose
● Time
● Range
● Rest
● Holiday
● Scope
● Respite
● Time off
Sentence/Example of Leisure:
Though these visions may appear as an act of leisure, constantly having your head in the clouds isn’t necessarily a habit you need to break.
Sarah Poralla, who lives in Cologne, Germany, traveled to San Diego in October 2018 and September 2019 for work and leisure and said she has filed two refund claims.
Vacation and leisure-related travel is considered non-essential.
Not only will this benefit you by allowing you to cast your ballot at your leisure weeks before the election, but it will help your community, too.
Much of the indoor leisure scene, including restaurants, bars and theaters, are still prohibited from operating by Governor Cuomo.
When you think of the fact that one-fifth of the American labor force is in retail trade, leisure, and hospitality, those are the sectors that are absolutely on this front line.
The wisdom of a scribe cometh by his time of leisure: and he that is less in action, shall receive wisdom.
For others life is but a foolish leisure with mock activities and mimic avocations to mask its uselessness.
Arrived at the dépôt, I discharged my porter, sat down and waited for the place to open, with ample leisure for reflection.
I have not done this before as I had not sufficient leisure to examine them, or do so in the interval allowed by the season.