Lightsome [adjective]

Definition of Lightsome:

carefree, untroubled

Synonyms of Lightsome:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lightsome:

Sentence/Example of Lightsome:

They had not counted on so early a breakfast; so it was with lightsome hearts they performed the rest of their journey.

Tall, smooth-faced, and fair, he walked with the long step and lightsome grace of the athletic young Englishman of his day.

It leads to the great Hall, which is really magnificent, but not very lightsome.

Newlie enriched with a varietie of wordes, phrases, proverbs and divers lightsome observations of Grammar.

The City is pretty large, fortify'd with Art and Regularity; and very lightsome.

No lightsome laughter echoed through those leafy dells, grating upon the ear which almost listened for the loved voice.

But he was a lightsome swaggerer, a reckless, devil-me-care, good-natured sort of bully.

The free and lightsome behaviour of the men, the humming at the benches, recalled some school of handicraft.

The upper reaches of the river are lightsome, and given over wholly to pleasure.

Presently I asked who made the chamber in the well, for the silence weighed on me, and my thoughts were not so lightsome.