Listlessness [noun]

Definition of Listlessness:


Synonyms of Listlessness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Listlessness:

Sentence/Example of Listlessness:

Marie accepted without enthusiasm—and her listlessness was not lost over forty miles of telephone wire.

But the only change that came over Chloe was increasing listlessness of mind and fatigue of body.

But inaction might bring listlessness and despondency, and in their train follows disease.

Officers and men, used though they were to the heat of the Tropics, were reduced to a state of perspiring listlessness.

Nevertheless his habitual listlessness was not disturbed, and he pursued his peculiar train of reflections.

All these things took months to say, during which period Marie went on with her work in melancholy listlessness.

His listlessness was gone and, paying no attention to those about him, he gazed fixedly at Tad.

He began a life in earnest; for him there was no more listlessness, or moody fits of sorrow, or bursts of wayward self-indulgence.

Her listlessness, however, was only bodily, for into her eyes some eager spirit had leapt and her hands went out involuntarily.

Their mission almost completed, they began to sink into that listlessness which is often the precursor of death.