Localisms [noun]

Definition of Localisms:


Synonyms of Localisms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Localisms:

Sentence/Example of Localisms:

Let him whose own enunciation is chemically free from localism or slovenliness cast the first stone even at "mebbe" and "ruther."

Under primitive conditions the political groups are small, the tendency to localism exceedingly strong.

The various bodies into which Christendom has been split up are infected with the same sort of localism as infects the state.

As New England township life grew up around the church, so western localism finds its nucleus in the school system.

Before you began to talk, I had been fancying that the vice of our journalism was its intense localism.

"He hurt hisself," cited by Dr. Charters, is surely anything but a Missouri localism; one hears it everywhere.

If this racial localism is not essential to the greatness of early literatures, it is inseparable from them; we find it there.

In the intense localism of a community, its religious history is hidden away and its future is involved.

The immediate occasion for the recrudescence of Localism was the Tariff.

The hindering conditions of English life were localism and lack of unity.