Loco [adjective]

Definition of Loco:


Opposite/Antonyms of Loco:


Sentence/Example of Loco:

Seqvitvr iam ex initio propositis tertium, nimirum vt exponatur, quonam tand loco rem Christianam his in locis offenderimus.

I perceive the deadly loco's odor there, and say it poison is; it drives them mad for evermore.

Mastrius (loco jam citato) tenet inseminationem esse necessariam.

There is a very real sense in which the crowd stands to his emotional life in loco parentis.

In another connection I have referred to the fact that the crowd stands to the member in loco parentis.

If you have ever seen a horse that has eaten loco weed you will understand what I mean when I say that the passengers get locoed.

Vitatur etiam duriorum inter se congressus, unde pellexit et collegit, et qu alio loco dicta sunt.

Loco was studying the iron with the smile of an artisan who recognizes a satisfactory piece of work.

He explained the details carefully to Loco, pointing out where the ditch was to be dug to conduct the water to the reservoir site.

The sun was setting when Traynor again became conscious of his surroundings and saw Loco standing over him.