Looney [noun]

Definition of Looney:


Synonyms of Looney:

Opposite/Antonyms of Looney:


Sentence/Example of Looney:

But I would rather be looney that-a-way than to have as much sense as King Solomon and all his adverbs.

Looney Land doesn't mean anything that I know of except the moon seems to set over there.

And she got looney-like when he cum away, and uv nights would go down on ther shore and watch for him to cum back?

Take my advice and sling it away for some other feller to pick up and get looney over.

Looney escaped deposition by transferring his fealty to the Ross party.

Theyll sure have you over in that sanitarium at Merrick, before long, for you show all the signs of getting looney.

Capt. Free McKown says hes looney on clambakes and eats as much as any two men.

As he went out along the corridor, Alfred came upon Looney hiding behind an iron column, and crying to himself.

Clem, having planted both heels firmly on Looney's foot, screwed up his face, and appeared to wrestle more than any.

All stood up again with clasped hands, and again Looney suffered while Clem joined in the grace.