Lorries [noun]

Definition of Lorries:

wheeled vehicle for hauling

Synonyms of Lorries:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lorries:


Sentence/Example of Lorries:

They crawled down off the lorry, and took off their caps, and ate every particle of food in the house.

And one day a lorry, piled high with boxes, rolled and thumped down the street, and halted by Ren.

I was wanted to take ten officers at once and to jump into a motor lorry, and go with a party of 30 others to the trenches.

We raced our lorry through country looking just like the Romney Marshes, Sussex.

Added to these difficulties, a motor-lorry had stuck on the way up and blocked our transport for the night.

Corps provided a lorry and two drivers for five months to bring them into Ypres, and also assisted us with thirty orderlies.

They would follow the egg lorry for a mile and gladly pay the threepence each that the eggs cost.

I was in charge of the tenders with supplies and spares, and spent most of the time in the leading Napier lorry.

A heavy lorry on which an anti-aircraft gun was mounted had been swirled away and smashed to bits.

He was asleep when the army lorry roared by and then stopped down the road, brakes screeching, rubber biting into macadam.