Lunes [noun]
Definition of Lunes:
sickle-shaped object
Opposite/Antonyms of Lunes:
Sentence/Example of Lunes:
Very little of that unctuous spasmodic shouting, which used to characterise Wesleyanism, is heard in Lune-street Chapel.
A great work in the business of spreading Wesleyan Methodism has been done by the people and parsons of Lune-street chapel.
About a mile below Middleton the river Lune ripples sunnily down into the Tees.
The word Lune was anciently written Lone, and the hundred is still named Lonsdale.
Apud quosdam debet omni die Lune per anni spatium operari domino suo, et tribus diebus unaquaque septimana in Augusto.
From the Lune valley in the north to the extreme south-east of the county there is only one good natural entrance into Lancashire.
It sometimes has also a demi-lune or bonnet, as in the case of demi-tenaillons.
I am in a state of indescribable beatitude, of course—only two days wedded—and immersed in the joys of la lune de miel.
The Duchess in Clair de Lune implored her gentleman friend to speak to her roughly, using hedge and highroad talk.
Old Clair-de-Lune alone was fresh and ready, and able in his broken English to tell us what he wished.