Lutes [noun]

Definition of Lutes:

gluing, binding material

Synonyms of Lutes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lutes:


Sentence/Example of Lutes:

There has been too much playing of lutes, too much worldly anticipation and imagining among us.

The knights rode in their tourneys, and tinkled their lutes in praise of some maiden in far and pleasant France.

"Such words are more melodious than the sound of many marble lutes," said Ten-teh, sinking back as though in repose.

Insane laughter re-echoed in his ears, and the music of lutes, irresistible in its languor-compelling potency.

Orpheus and Agne followed next to Herse and the steward, and after them came two slaves, carrying the lutes and pipes.

Peopled by fancy, the old towers and walls again re-echo to the lutes and voices of long-gone days.

The joints must be well secured by lutes, after the expanded air has been allowed to escape.

The bass lutes were theorbos, that is, double-necked lutes, as described below.

Pipes and lutes discoursed delightful music and the air was perfumed with sweet odors.

After him followed the Augustians and a choir of singers, bearing citharæ, lutes, and other musical instruments.