Maidenhood [noun]

Definition of Maidenhood:

celibacy, chastity

Synonyms of Maidenhood:

Opposite/Antonyms of Maidenhood:

Sentence/Example of Maidenhood:

To them she was merely the conventional nonenity of maidenhood that Japanese etiquette demanded.

To the glowing beauty of her maidenhood Margaret has added the serene beauty of motherhood.

We had no time for unsuitable reading, and none of the cares or dissipations of maidenhood perplexed our straight forward way.

He adored young maidenhood always and nobility of character, and he was always the champion of the weak and the oppressed.

But the fresh, gracious maidenhood in her cast aside these unwonted studies in mind-reading.

There is no treachery in my desire to serve Cæsar in single maidenhood, or to offer thee my life rather than my freedom.

But when she made her final entrance into the snowy costume it seemed to be entering into the shroud of maidenhood.

It had taken away the enormous power that exists in maidenhood, with its self-awe and its fierce defense of integrity.

She had already taken that provisionary leap into a mythical future which is one of the perfunctory attitudes of maidenhood.

What was to have been the crowning of her maidenhood had come to thisa sacrifice to the baser, and without love.