Maimed [adjective]
Definition of Maimed:
Sentence/Example of Maimed:
He commanded a regiment in the war of 1812, and was maimed for life in the battle of Chrystler's fields.
He who has maimed another not only undergoes in return the loss of the same limb, but his hand also is cut off.
His answer was to rise suddenly to his knees, to stoop again, and to kiss the foot he had innocently maimed.
A perfect army of halt and maimed and lame and blind crouch by the sides of the lane and live on the charity of the passers-by.
The rest of the prisoners were either dead or too badly maimed to fight.
On Tuesday we visited the school for maimed soldiers in Paris.
With such a marksman he would not be maimed, but killed outright.
None were spared; neither the sick on their beds, nor the poor in their asylums, nor the maimed that hobbled through the streets.
Four hours of hard fighting had been followed by the usual harvest of dead and maimed.
To act otherwise would be to make the reception invalid, maimed, unlucky.