Malt [noun]

Definition of Malt:

alcoholic beverage made from malted grain

Synonyms of Malt:

Opposite/Antonyms of Malt:


Sentence/Example of Malt:

In such incompetent hands the malt business soon fell to be a liability rather than an asset.

Preparations of malt liquor were at that time deemed essential articles of comfort.

Then there came towards them on horseback 183 certain men who were making for the town with meal and malt.

Situated as it was in the centre of the county, it was a convenient mart for barley, and great quantities of malt were made.

We have put a double stroke of malt to it, as your ladyship well knows, ever since the happy Restoration.

We can speak with less certainty about the free acids contained in malt fluids.

It is the property of the 'Yebisu' Beer Company, and was built for the purpose of advertising that brand of malt liquor.

You have a bit of land here, and you dare n't plant tobacco; or if you sow oats or barley, you must n't malt it.

It stood open, and from the cool and shadowy interior came a sourish smell of malt liquors and the hum of voices.

As to the deficiency on the malt-tax, which is chiefly owing to a defective produce, he has and can have nothing to propose.