Markedly [adverb]
Definition of Markedly:
Sentence/Example of Markedly:
He approached, on his side, confidentially, but not too markedly so.
The architecture of Egypt, for example, exhibited them markedly.
He was markedly polite to Jimmy Urquhart, much more so than his habit was.
The moral character of Allah was not markedly in advance of that of his people.
In this the Roman ritual is markedly different from the Greek.
Lorado was not markedly favorable to me as a brother-in-law.
With reference to their morals, strictly speaking they are markedly lax.
He indicated, by gestures, that Soames should remove his collar; he was markedly unemotional.
This includes those forms which are not markedly crystalline.
This zeal on behalf of local self-government was markedly opportunist.