Matte [adjective]
Definition of Matte:
dull, lifeless
Synonyms of Matte:
● Flat
● Boring
● Blah
● Blind
● Dark
● Dead
● Dim
● Drab
● Dry
● Leaden
● Nothing
● Obscure
● Pabulum
● Prosaic
● Vanilla
● Vapid
● Zero
● Muted
● Ho-hum
● Draggy
● Sombre
Sentence/Example of Matte:
Matte Enamel, medium weight; Enameled, medium weight; Velvet, medium weight.
Matte and Maie grew fat on this fine living, and daily became richer.
There was once a fisherman who was called Salmon, and his Christian name was Matte.
The German term in the Glossary for panes ex pyrite is stein, the same as the modern German for matte.
The matte is roasted, re-smelted with lead, and no doubt a button obtained, and further matte.
Three products result: (a) slag; (b) matte; (c) copper-gold-silver alloy.
He, however, describes nothing of matte smelting; in copper refining he gives the whole process of poling, but omits the pole.
Canadian matte has been refined mainly in the United States, but the tendency is toward refining a larger proportion in Canada.
The “American process” or “Pyritic smelting” consists in the direct smelting of raw ores to matte in blast furnaces.
The quantity of air consumed in a converter which will blow up about 35 tons of matte per day is about 3000 cub.