Mellows [adjective]

Definition of Mellows:

ripe, mature; softened

Synonyms of Mellows:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mellows:

Sentence/Example of Mellows:

Dick turned to the window, and stared at the mellow evening sky.

All her share of the blarney of Ireland began to roll from the mellow tip of her tongue.

Thou hast a fair, round, mellow voice; let us have a touch of it.

It struck Madden to propose salving the dock while the crowd was mellow.

Her voice when she spoke was mellow and slow, with a nervous vibration of apology.

The mellow voice of the Wanderer was grave, and he laid a hand on Bert's arm.

They will require a little wine, to mellow the austerity of age, and make them amenable to the laws.

The only way is to give them drink; this will mellow the sourness of age.

I detected, too, a note of anxiety in the mellow voice that he could not quite suppress.

Or can it possibly be that all this picturesque loveliness is but the effect of a mellow moon?