Melted [adjective]

Definition of Melted:


Synonyms of Melted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Melted:


Sentence/Example of Melted:

Twelve hours afterward the snow, three feet deep on a level, has melted.

It seemed to my sleepy eyes as if an angel had melted his own door through the wall!

Add the butter, and when it has melted remove from the heat.

The sight of three persons' eyes was melted and collected into that single one.

Then he melted the dust and poured the hot liquid into a mould the shape of a blade.

Make a hole in the middle of it, and pour in the melted butter while hot.

They thought themselves lucky then and melted it over into money.

Melted butter is the foundation of most of the common sauces.

Put the onions into the melted butter, and boil them up at once.

Chop the yolks of all, and the whites of two, and stir them into melted butter.