Memorialized [verb]

Definition of Memorialized:

honor a memory

Synonyms of Memorialized:

Opposite/Antonyms of Memorialized:

Sentence/Example of Memorialized:

No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone.

It was his purpose to memorialize his friends and his opponents.

I determined to memorialize my coin, and to read my memoir at the meeting.

Neither could he obtain the right to memorialize the throne, but was ordered to report to the Agents.

The Boston papers printed the act in mourning and, meetings were called to memorialize the legislature.

The conference resolved to organize demonstrations in every corner of the kingdom and to memorialize Parliament.

A meeting was appointed for the following Friday, when it was decided to memorialize the legislature.

The people have the right to memorialize the Li Fa Yuan according to the provisions of law.

It proceeded to call a convention and to memorialize the King and Queen, who in the end approved its course.

Mr. Jan Meyer suggests that those who came early to the goldfields should memorialize separately, and he would support them.