Mid [adjective]

Definition of Mid:


Synonyms of Mid:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mid:


Sentence/Example of Mid:

The swan pushes from the bank and floats dreaming into mid stream.

"'Mid sides," answered Jourdan, turning around in his saddle.

She was free with her money, whatever else she mid have been.

He paused in mid stride, eying the escaped serf up and down.

We have also the Norman form Capel, but this may be a nickname from Mid.

Bower, which now suggests a leafy arbour, had no such sense in Mid.

In Knatchbull we have the obsolete verb knatch, which in Mid.

In the cow with the crumpled horn we have a derivative of Mid.

It may also represent merry, in its variant form murie, which is Mid.

Then, sometimes, when the ship is in mid ocean, there comes on a storm.