Misplaced [adjective]
Definition of Misplaced:
Sentence/Example of Misplaced:
With a man of that sort scrupulousness was a misplaced and even an illegal sentiment.
I am happy to believe that my confidence in that great nation was not misplaced.
They are misplaced between us,' returned the other, waving his hand, 'and say plainly what we have to say.
We are tired of wings that are really nothing but horns, misshaped and misplaced.
The "a" was misplaced, the "W" minus its lower right-hand corner.
I trust that their confidence, thus continued in me, will not be misplaced.
Tell her, from me, that her affection is not misplaced—she deserves it all!
It sounded as if Maud were in her own room and had only misplaced some article of clothing.
(456-468) To a certain extent the confidence reposed in Ricimer was not misplaced.
Your trust is not misplaced, Dr. Saugrain; your secret is safe.