Misstating [verb]
Definition of Misstating:
Sentence/Example of Misstating:
I am confident that her sister Esther will not misstate them.
Don Christopher can have no motive to misstate, even were he capable of the meanness.
“Pardon the suggestion that you misstate the case,” he said, softly.
They argue, wheedle, misstate, and finally convince the legislator that the measure is absurd.
When you tell us that every ounce of the feeding stuffs used at Auchness was raised on British soil, you forget and misstate.
In doing which, he begged to be corrected if he should misstate any thing.
To misstate such business troubles is skating on the thin ice of libel, and newspapers are careful.
I don't want to misstate anything, and I don't want to exaggerate anything, but will tell you the plain facts.