Moaned [verb]

Definition of Moaned:

groan, complain

Synonyms of Moaned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Moaned:

Sentence/Example of Moaned:

"God give that that has not befallen her," moaned Professor Maxon.

She rocked back and forth in her chair, and moaned a little to herself.

"I dunno what Jonathan'll do without that clock," moaned the old lady.

She had moaned (as he expressed it) and since then had not been herself.

But Pete moaned and turned his head from side to side with his last strength.

He nestled against the soft down of her cloak and moaned as if in pain.

He sat in his wicker chair before the fire and rocked himself and moaned.

Days and nights passed and he raved and moaned or lay in a stupor.

Mrs. Garth returned to her stool, and rocked herself and moaned.

It moaned around the house, then licked it with hissing tongues.