Modifications [noun]

Definition of Modifications:


Synonyms of Modifications:

Opposite/Antonyms of Modifications:


Sentence/Example of Modifications:

No modification of the divine certainty, the entire truth, is possible.

As you say, however, it is not a change but only a modification, since the root idea is the same in each.

It may be asked how far I extend the doctrine of the modification of species.

It was a modification of the high-liner ball-control, and it was new.

He searched ahead on the hillside above him for a modification of its slope.

Since his arrival in Sulaco the colonel's ideas had undergone some modification.

Such a modification must necessarily have taken place to some extent.

It is the best way yet, though with a modification it would be better!

Two circumstances were responsible for the modification of this procedure.

It seems to be composed of reason,—attention,—and a modification of conception.