Molars [noun]

Definition of Molars:

a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates

Synonyms of Molars:

Opposite/Antonyms of Molars:


Sentence/Example of Molars:

A molar, a bicuspid, a canine, and an incisor were laid in succession on the table.

Antolycus means his molar—his grinding tooth is set on edge.

The degree of ionization of 0.5 molar FeSO4 is taken as 22%.

The occurrence is extremely unusual in the other molar teeth of modern men.

But the mandible is wanting, and the molar teeth of the upper set are absent.

There are infundibula also in the molar teeth, but not in all of them.

She finally had the molar pulled, though it was a second tooth and should have been saved.

The first molar was distant about four inches from the extreme edge of the jaw.

The molar formula was complete, but there is some doubt as to the incisors.

There is but one incisor, but the premolar and molar series are complete.