Monogram [noun]

Definition of Monogram:


Synonyms of Monogram:

Opposite/Antonyms of Monogram:


Sentence/Example of Monogram:

On the front was engraved a monogram J. M., and on the back a coat-of-arms.

Gideon Junior (father of Giddy) smoked cigarettes with his monogram on them.

I went to him and held it up and pointed to the monogram she had embroidered on it.

The description of the book, casual as it was, made mention of the monogram on the cover.

Her glimpse of the monogram on the back of the watch had not lasted long enough.

Here might be a clue—there was a monogram on the corner, but he could not distinguish it, in the darkness.

It is not known why he adopted this monogram, which is that of the Jesuits.

Saint Ursula's monogram was emblazoned large upon her sleeve.

Not a card; not a letter; not a paper or monogram could I find.

Besides, he bore a crest and a monogram and a superscription to be proud of.