Moppets [noun]
Definition of Moppets:
Sentence/Example of Moppets:
Dora was already tired of him; so he was soon forgotten by all but Moppet.
Nobody ever knew the best part of the story but Moppet, Davy, and Gulliver.
But did you remember the airs of the moppet—Could any thing be more ridiculous?
"Let us climb up the rockery, and sit on the garden wall," said Moppet.
While their mother was searching the house, Moppet and Mittens had got into mischief.
But Moppet had been too much frightened to peep out of the barrel again.
Moppet and Mittens have grown up into very good rat-catchers.
Specs little missy'll scold dreffle; but Moppet'll take de scoldin for yer.
Dan held the tiller, and Davy lay at his feet, with Nep bolt upright beside him; but the happiest face of all was Moppet's.
Moppet, mop′et, n. a doll of rags: a young girl—also Mop′sy, an untidy woman.