Morphines [noun]

Definition of Morphines:


Synonyms of Morphines:

Opposite/Antonyms of Morphines:


Sentence/Example of Morphines:

The morphine had claimed him, and it brought a pleasant dream.

The morphine injection and the Roentgen rays are by far more dangerous.

I've given him some morphine, but he'll be coming out of it soon.

Sara was suffering so frightfully after his trip that he took his morphine.

The coroner's physician has found that they show traces of morphine.

Simply because the criminal put a little atropine, or belladonna, with the morphine.

One contains no quinine at all—it is all morphine and atropine.

A medicinal dose of sulphate of morphine is from to of a grain.

Like the morphine fiend, he was becoming addicted to his ease.

That is the open road to the morphine habit and drug addictions of all sorts.