Mortally [adverb]
Definition of Mortally:
Opposite/Antonyms of Mortally:
Sentence/Example of Mortally:
He'd be dead of fright before morning, he's so mortally afraid of ghosts.
As for the canon, I am afraid I have offended him mortally by sticking up for you.
The princess had mortally offended her father-in-law's favourite.
They had evidently been mortally wounded, and died while waiting for help.
Unless she went warily he might find that out and be mortally offended.
As he was about to grasp it, he was struck in the breast by a shot, and mortally wounded.
"There are hopes at any rate that he is not mortally wounded," Edgar said.
They had on board ten men killed, and eleven (four of them mortally) wounded.
Not mortally, I hope; but whereabouts is he so desperately wounded?
In the room above he heard the shriek of a mortally struck man.